I am extremely proud to be the Headteacher of Hazel Wood High School and to belong to the Oak Learning Partnership. Hazel Wood is sponsored by Oak LP, and we work together to foster a sense of pride and community in our pupils and provide opportunities for all to excel.
We have professional and highly motivated staff and, in partnership with our young people, parents and governors, we aim to equip young people for the demands of the 21st century by offering every opportunity to excel. Our school is built on the core values of Respect, Responsibility and Aspiration. We aim to ensure that we create a stimulating and disciplined environment, and to recognise that successful education lies in supporting the welfare of the whole child: their safety, health and happiness. By helping our students to develop an understanding of our changing world we will encourage them to become positive contributors to society.
Offering opportunities to excel, we aim to provide all our students with an education that equips them with the skills to achieve their full potential at school and in life. The message to our students is clear- we want them to make the difference and ensure they fulfil their ambitions and aspirations with pride and respect.
I hope you find our website both informative and engaging and please do not hesitate to contact us with any issues, we will be happy to assist and support in anyway we can.
Mr P. Greenhalgh
Our schools work closely with one another: they collaborate, support each other and share collective systems across both educational and business provisions. But it’s also important to us that each school has individuality. The CEO and Trustees set highly-ambitious targets, not putting a ceiling on what our staff and young people can achieve. We understand that leaders need autonomy to be accountable for performance and to create schools which serve their communities’ specific needs.
As a Trust we are keen not to over-complicate our approach and we recognise that more often than not, doing the simple things extremely well, consistently, makes the biggest difference to our young people and ensures there is a clarity in what we do.
We are committed to developing partnerships which will contribute to strengthening our current schools. Oak LP and all its partners will always be underpinned by our driving priority: our strong moral purpose which enables us to provide a truly inclusive education.
If you would like to know more about our Trust please visit our website at oaklp.co.uk.
Mon 1st July 2024
Over the past year, Year 7 have been challenged with completing 50 tasks as part of our Oak Experiences package. Students are rewarded for t...
Mon 24th June 2024
Key Stage 3 students worked hard with The National Literacy Trust to celebrate Refugee Week and increase awareness on the topic across schoo...
Tue 18th June 2024
Hazel Wood High School offer a range of experiences that enhance our students’ cultural capital via our ‘Oak Experiences’ ...
IMPORTANT - First day of term
We have been made aware that there is some confusion regarding the start time for students tomorrow. We would like to confirm that all students return to School on Wednesday 4th September the school is a normal school day and a full return for all students. The timings of the school day are shown below, and students are expected in school from opening at 8.40am.
New Intake 2024
We are looking forward to welcoming our new cohort of Year 7 students in September. The 2024/25 academic year begins on Wednesday 4th September, which will be a normal school day and a full return for students in all year groups.
Students are expected in school from opening at 8.40am. Our Year 7 new starters who return to school on time and on the first day will receive a Learning pack for their first day of attendance including a school pen, school water bottle and our teaching and learning pack.
Parents/Carers can find out more important information by clicking here.