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SOS - report a safeguarding concern

Exam Results

Hazel Wood High School opened on the 2nd September 2019 as a sponsored Academy as part of Oak Learning Partnership.

The school was formerly known as Broad Oak Sports College. Our new school launched following significant improvement works and it is a school we are very proud of.

As you will be aware, we had Centre Assessed grades in our first year as Hazel Wood High School, and in our second year this was Teacher Grades - both of which are not reported upon. You will therefore notice that there is no data for 2020 or 2021, this is due to the fact that schools are not required to publish their exam and assessment results from the 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 academic years as these have not been published as performance measures by the Secretary of State.

The following table outlines the exam results from the last two years able to be reported on. Due to our academisation date of 1st April 2019 we have included the Summer 2019 results from Broad Oak Sports College, however as mentioned above Hazel Wood High School did not open to students as a sponsored academy as part of the Oak Learning Partnership until 2nd September 2019.


   Broad Oak/Hazel Wood  Hazel Wood High School Hazel Wood High School
   2019  2022 2023
Progress 8 Score -0.89 -0.2 +0.24
Attainment 8 Score (%) 32.8 39.75 39.40
Grade 4, or above, in English & Maths (%) 43 47 46
Grade 5, or above, in English & Maths (%) 19 29 24
English Baccalaureate (EBacc) Average Points 3.01 3.28 3.22
Students that enter the English Baccalaureate (EBacc) (%) 31

2021 Data: 22

Current Year 11: 28

Current Year 10: 46

Pupils staying in education or going into employment after key stage 4 (%) 95 TBC TBC


Understanding our results

The government has changed the way that it judges the performance of schools. It no longer uses the percentage of students who have gained five A*-C grades but four other measures:

1. A “Progress 8” score. This shows how well students have progressed in the school since they came in from their primary school, compared to pupils in other schools who got similar results at the end of primary school. A positive score is good and a zero score is the average for schools nationally. For example, a score of 0.5 would mean that, taken together, each student in each subject did half a grade better than the average of all schools.

2. An “Attainment 8” score. This measures how well students perform across their best 8 subjects, including English, mathematics, 3 English Baccalaureate subjects and 3 other subjects. English Baccalaureate subjects include sciences, humanities and languages.

3. The percentage of pupils who achieved grade 5 and above in both English and mathematics. We have also included the percentage of pupils who achieved grade 4 and above in both English and mathematics in the table above.

4. In 2018, a new measure called the EBACC Average Point Score was introduced. This new measure gives an average point score across the 5 pillars of the EBACC, for all students in the school.


School and College Performance Tables

A link to the school and college performance tables service can be found here

SOS - report a safeguarding concern
