Hazel wood High School pupils working in Science class
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The Hazel Wood Curriculum

Our curriculum intent  

Our intent is to provide a curriculum that upholds our core values of Respect, Responsibility and Aspiration, whilst providing opportunities for our diverse community to bridge gaps and build aspirations. Our Curriculum is a learning journey that places our students on the right path to compete with their peers, both nationally and internationally, and fulfil their hopes of a hugely successful and positive future.  

We intend to provide a curriculum that offers both breadth and depth at the right stages of learning and also maintains the integrity of individual subjects. Our learning journey is sequenced to build knowledge that allows students to develop their key skills and we are committed to at least meeting all of the expectations of the National Curriculum and, in some places, exceeding the minimum requirements of the statutory programmes of study. 

At KS4, we have an exciting choice of qualifications for our young people to study and our current offer can be accessed in the link to the left entitled ‘KS4 Options’. Our KS3 offer includes a range of subjects, which support our students to develop a variety of transferrable skills that can be used across the curriculum, and in their next steps. Parents can find out detailed information about some of our work in this area by referring to the section on this website on how we develop reading, writing and communication here.  

Our learning journey places an emphasis on personal, social, health and citizenship education; and relationships and sex education. It recognises and celebrates cultural diversity and aims to be fully inclusive, embracing ‘difference’ and helping our young people to understand and honour other's experiences and perspectives. This is to help build well developed, healthy and resilient young people. In Key Stage 3, our form time programme compliments a one-hour lesson in which we deliver this curriculum. In Key Stage 4, our form time is dedicated to ensuring that children cover the entire PHSE and RSE statutory requirements. Each form period is 30 minutes per day. In addition to this, we aim to ensure our young people are work ready through Careers’ opportunities developed across our entire curriculum.  

Our young people can take part in curricular and extra-curricular opportunities that enrich their lives, providing experiences that build cultural capital and that create positive memories of their time at Hazel Wood High School.  

We are proud to be an integral part of the Oak Learning Partnership and our curriculum is underpinned by the OLP Curriculum Principles. These values mean that our curriculum is: 

Aspirational: Our curriculum is both ambitious and focused. It is designed to be balanced, sequenced and progressive. We believe it should be knowledge-rich, enabling the application of skills across all curriculum subjects. A wide range of experiences and opportunities are planned beyond the classroom.

Inclusive: Our curriculum ensures the needs of all are met through an adaptable approach. The core skills of communication, language, literacy and numeracy are at the centre of our curriculum design. Diversity is woven into the fabric of our curriculum. We learn with and from our pupils, valuing their talents and interests as we celebrate their achievements.

Collaborative: Partnerships benefit all of our communities. Our pupils have the opportunities to collaborate in their learning. Our staff work together to develop their knowledge and skills for the benefit of all of our pupils. We continually learn by looking outwards and collaborating with those within and beyond our partnership.

Values driven: Values are at the heart of our curriculum and open the minds of our pupils. We promote social and emotional learning to build character, resilience and support health in body and mind. In a safe learning environment, we prepare our pupils to become reflective individuals and critical thinkers who are morally and culturally aware.

Empowering: We build solid foundations; develop independence and provide the building blocks for the next stage in life. We learn from and with the wider community, valuing our local context. Our curriculum empowers pupils to be ready for the world, supporting them to become global citizens.

Want to find out more about our curriculum offer?

If the Curriculum section of our website doesn't provide the information you need or if you have any further queries regarding our curriculum please contact Mrs Norman via reception on 0161 797 6543 or enquiries@hazelwood.oaklp.co.uk

Year 9 Options

As our students approach the end of Key Stage 3, they begin to choose the subjects that they will study in Key Stage 4. At Hazel Wood High School, we offer a suite of qualifications that are both vocational (BTEC and Cambridge National Qualifications) and General Certificates in Secondary Education (GCSE). All of these types of qualifications are level 2 courses and all are of equal credit, preparing them for their next steps.

Our Year 9 students are introduced to their choices via an Options Assembly, subject specific assemblies and taster sessions as well as each student being given an ‘Options booklet’. Furthermore, we also hold a Year 9 Careers’ fair and a Parent/Guardian and Child Options’ Evening to ensure that our students are as informed as possible before making their decisions.

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