No Place for Bullying at Hazel Wood High School
Many pupils at Hazel Wood have experienced challenging and complex personal histories. Hazel Wood High School serves a diverse and disadvantaged community where over 34 languages are spoken across the community.
We have a duty of care to ensure that all pupils are educated free from harassment, intimidation, aggression, discrimination and derogatory language.
It is the responsibility of leaders and staff to create a positive environment in which bullying is not tolerated.
We want relationships among pupils and staff to reflect a positive and respectful culture and for our pupils to be safe and feel safe enabling them to make a positive contribution to their school and wider community.
Our Commitment
Governors, parents and staff believe that all students have the right to thrive and be safe, and should aspire to be the best version of themselves. It is the responsibility of all adults in the school to ensure that this takes place and that we encourage good behaviour and respect for others in the whole community.
Our vision for our school community is to ‘foster a sense of pride and community and provide an opportunity for all to excel’. Our values of respect, responsibility and aspiration underpin the commitment in this policy. All students have a responsibility to contribute, in whatever way they can, to the protection of all our pupils.
The following anti-bullying policy has been created in partnership with families, anti-bullying ambassadors, pupils, staff and representatives from the local authority and local community groups.
Key priorities
- To promote at all times expectations of good behaviour. To ensure that all pupils understand that people do and should care about each other. To establish a system that recognises and rewards good behaviour;
- To be aware of the quantity and particular nature of bullying that takes place in school;
- To apply appropriate rules, sanctions and anti-bullying strategies to ensure that all students feel safe and are confident that bullying concerns are dealt with seriously and sensitively;
- To create and foster a caring community with a listening ethos and encourage pupils to support one another by reporting instances of bullying;
- To further the personal, social, moral, spiritual and cultural development of the individual and community through pro-active strategies to teach about bullying within the wider curriculum;
- To include the school’s stakeholders in the development, application and promotion of our anti-bullying policy.
What is bullying?
It is important that we clearly understand what bullying is. The DfE identifies bullying as:
‘Behaviour by an individual or group, repeated over time, that intentionally hurts another individual or group either physically or emotionally. Bullying can take many forms (for instance, cyber-bullying via text messages, social media or gaming, which can include the use of images and video) and is often motivated by prejudice against particular groups.’ DfE Prevention and Tackling Bullying (July 2017)
Hazel Wood High School has chosen the following definition:
‘The behaviour by an individual or group, repeated over time, that intentionally hurts another individual or group, either physically or emotionally’
Bullying is not:
- A one-off comment or remark;
- where someone has been hurt unintentionally e.g. falling out within a friendship group
Although such incidents are not necessarily bullying, our pastoral staff will deal with them, as we understand that this is still hurtful and upsetting to individuals.
There are different forms of bullying such as:
- Physical – pushing, poking, kicking, hitting, biting, pinching etc;
- Verbal - name calling, sarcasm, spreading rumours, threats, teasing, belittling;
- Emotional – isolating others, tormenting, hiding books, threatening gestures, ridicule, humiliation, intimidating, excluding, manipulation and coercion;
- Sexual – unwanted physical contact, inappropriate touching, abusive comments, homophobic abuse, exposure to inappropriate films etc;
- Cyber – posting on social media, sharing photos, sending nasty text messages, social exclusion;
- Racism- bullying related to a person’s colour, race, culture, religion;
- LGBTQ- bullying related to actual or perceived sexual orientation and/or offensive gender related incidents;
- SEND- bullying related to a person’s physical or mental impairment or difference.
I am being bullied, what should I do?
We are sorry that you are experiencing something that is causing you hurt, whether that be physically or emotionally. We want to help you and some steps that you can take include:
Talk to an adult that you can trust.
This may not necessarily be a teacher but it is important that you realise that you cannot, and should not, deal with this on your own. We ask that this adult will make the school aware of what is happening so that we can deal with this as quickly as possible whilst making sure that you are safe and okay.
Try and record what has happened and how this has made you feel.
Please be honest with how this has made you feel. By recording what has happened this will help us deal with what has been happening in the right way.
The following is how we would like all of our students to respond to bullying:
- If you see bullying please challenge this behaviour rather than be a bystander. However, do not use violence towards those who are showing bullying behaviour or put yourself at risk.
- It is important that you tell a member of staff if you have witnessed or suspected any instances of bullying. We need to know what is happening and for any bullies to realise that staff and students do not allow for this behaviour at our school.
- Continue to listen respectfully to views, beliefs and opinions that are different from your own in considered ways
- Continue to show respect for the different protected characteristics as defined in law.
My child is being bullied, what should I do?
If you think that your child is being bullied please contact the school immediately.
You can contact any of the following by ringing the school reception (0161 797 6543) and asking to speak to one of the following in relation to a concern you have about your child:
- Your child's Form Teacher
- Your child's Pastoral Year Leader
- Any member of the Senior Leadership Team.
If you are unsure of the names of the above our receptionist will be able to help you.
Please also encourage your child to talk to an adult that they trust about the bullying incidents that have taken place.
We understand that you will be concerned, however we ask that all parents:
- Advise their child not to retaliate violently to any form of bullying;
- Keep a written record of any reported incidents of bullying;
- Co-operate with the school if their child is accused of bullying to try and ascertain the truth. Point out the implications of bullying for all concerned.
I am aware of someone who is being bullied, what should I do?
Whatever your role, whether a friend, a member of the public or from an organisation who is working with a child, we need your help to make sure that there is no place for bullying at Hazel Wood High School.
We work hard to promote ‘it could happen here’ culture with staff, parents, students and governors. We encourage the whole school community to be vigilant and to look out for one another. Should you witness an incident out of school we need for you to let us know. Should a child share with you anything that concerns you, we need you to let us know.
We encourage the reporting of anything which may compromise the safety and welfare of anyone. Anti-bullying has a high profile within our school community. We take all reports of bullying seriously and we all have a role to play in preventing bullying and in showing care, respect and concern for each other.
Should you witness, or suspect any instances of bullying, please telephone our school reception on 0161 797 6543 or complete our SOS form on this website by clicking the blue button.
How does Hazel Wood High School work with families and the community?
Our policy is a co-produced anti-bullying document for Hazel Wood High School.
We held an Anti-Bullying/Wellbeing Family Consultation Session in which families of pupils and members of the local authority came into school to share their views with staff. Families were also encouraged to share any concerns.
We shared our systems and policies for student safety, including Anti-Bullying systems. We invited suggestions from families so that we could develop a new Anti-Bullying policy which had real input from our pupils and their families. Representatives from the Asian Women’s Group, the Community Police Team and the Community Development Officer for East Ward all joined the discussions.
We wish to nurture the links that we have with families and the community and do so in a number of ways:
- We encourage parental and carer engagement by offering an open-door policy by holding regular parent/carer drop in sessions. School actively promotes regular contact with our families and believe this is in our students best interest in forging relationships, to work in a triangular approach of, school parent & child.
- We have forged relationships with local community leaders including members of the Bury Woman’s Asian Centre, Qadria Jillania Mosque, Church Street Mosque, our Greater Manchester Community Policing Team and local government representatives to promote collaborate working. We welcome contact from all of our community leaders, faith leaders and local businesses.
- We have had the pleasure of building links with our local business and community Champions, enabling us to build positive community links with the following local businesses and groups; Tesco, Asda, Morrisons, Bury Baptist Church, Bury Hospice, Macron and Prince’s Trust, Radcliffe Rotary group and Walnut Allotments.
If you would like to find out more please ask to speak with Mrs Jones, our Community & Safeguarding Lead.
What is Restorative Justice and who are the Ambassadors at Hazel Wood High School?
Students and teachers work best in an environment in which they feel safe, supported and accepted. The use of restorative approaches is supportive to that process. Growing evidence suggests that there are many positive outcomes from restorative programmes, such as reduced rates of exclusion, reduced incidents of bullying and improved learning outcomes.
Hazel Wood High School is a member of the restorative justice school partnership. Our school is one which takes a restorative approach to resolving conflict and preventing harm.
Restorative approaches enable those who have been harmed to convey the impact of the harm to those responsible, and for those responsible to acknowledge this impact and take steps to put it right.
Day to day this may mean that where friends have fallen out and are not communicating effectively, the friendship has broken down, they have the attributes to repair the situation. This can also include the assistance of a member of staff, when required, and pupils know that this help is there if needed.
We aim to help pupils develop their inter-personal skills through our wider curriculum and PSHCE, this includes restorative practice training and awareness development. Looking at how body language, the way we speak to each other and how we treat each other day to day as a community has an effect on others and our need to recognise this.
If a conflict between pupils is more serious staff will work to bring the pupils together to resolve their differences face to face. This will be done when both parties are ready, and are able to discuss the events and actions in an open and honest meeting. This opportunity allows the individuals to share their views and be open about their actions, in a positive and supportive environment. This helps to put agreements, moving forwards, in place and to resolve issues, with monitoring by the staff member as part of the agreement.
Restorative approaches are a whole school initiative and staff have been part of a continuing professional development programme in this area.
Well-being Ambassadors at Hazel Wood High School
At Hazel Wood High School we have a number of pupils who have been selected and trained as Ambassadors.
Our Ambassadors have received two sets of training for their role. Firstly, they had a days orientation and introduction to the role by Lesley Davidson, who is the Local Authority Emotional Health and Well being Coordinator for Bury. During the day the pupils and Mrs Davidson developed the team’s awareness of pupil concerns and how to log an incident and share the information with staff. Alongside this, they practised scenarios that would help them assist their peers when they were approached for help. By completing this training our young people developed their confidence and skills level for the role and this means they are able to help pupils when requested in a well-planned and effective manner.
Our Ambassadors will listen, and help, by getting the support and help that is needed to resolve any issue our pupils may be experiencing in school.
Who are the designated safeguarding leads at Hazel Wood High School?
Safeguarding means protecting a person's health, wellbeing and human rights; enabling them to live free from harm, abuse and neglect.
All of our staff are trained and have a responsibility to protect our pupils from harm.
Within our school we also have members of staff who take an extra responsibility for safeguarding. Our designated safeguarding leads have received additional training and have a full understanding of the safeguarding processes within the school.
Should you wish to speak to a designated safeguarding lead in school you can ask your child's pastoral year leader, or:
- Mr. P Groves, Deputy Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead.
- Mrs Jones, Community & Safeguarding Lead.
- Mr Murphy, Assistant Headteacher & Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
- Mr Greenhalgh, Headteacher.