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Halle Orchestra experience at the Bridgewater Hall

Posted on Monday 28th October 2024

Prior to half term some of our year 9, 10 and 11 music students had the opportunity to see the famous Halle Orchestra at The Bridgewater Hall.

Our students were mesmerised by the venue and the sound of a live orchestra. The Halle's dedicated set works concert, ‘The Orchestra Through the Ages’, has been created in collaboration with teachers and music educators across the country to provide a unique resource for pupils studying GCSE and A-level music. ‘The Orchestra Through the Ages’ takes pupils on a guided tour of music from the Renaissance to the twenty first century.

Featuring a number of orchestral pieces from the AQA, OCR, WJEC and Edexcel syllabi for GCSE and A-level music, the concert demonstrates the development of the symphony orchestra with a brief history and musical analysis of some key pieces. Our students loved this opportunity, and our year 11 students were that invested, they brought along their pocket revision guides to link back the pieces of music and this instruments with heir classroom learning. The students were an absolute credit to the school and a great afternoon was had by all.

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