Hazel wood High School
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Exams Information

At Hazel Wood High School, we believe that every student has a right to education no matter what their background, race, ethnicity or gender. We believe that there should not be any barriers to a student succeeding here and therefore have given all our students a bespoke personalised pack with revision guides to support them and help them achieve and aspire to do their best in their exams.

The purpose of this page is to share with you a range of information, resources and links that can help you prepare your child for their exams. As such, the drop-down menus on the left-hand side of this page and the sections below contain information on the GCSE courses currently being studied by our Year 11 students, Exam Timetables (including Mock Exams), Exam Rules and Regulations as well as information on appeals.

Mock Exams

Year 11 students will complete a series of mocks to allow teachers to identify gaps and allow the school to put in place intervention to enable your child to achieve the best grade possible. These exams will take place at two points during the year: November 2023 and February/March 2024.

Year 10 students will complete a series of mock exams in November 2023 and then a further set in June/July 2024.

Timetables for these mock exam series can be found in the drop-down menu on the left-hand side of this page.

Summer Exam Series

This year's summer exam series is scheduled to take place between Friday 3rd May and Thursday 20th June. The timetable for the exam series can be found in the drop-down menu on the left-hand side of this page.

Intervention Sessions and Subject Specific Revision Information

Hazel Wood provide our students with the additional support of subject specific intervention sessions prior to the exam series, which take place during Session 7 as well as during weekends and half-terms. Further information on these sessions can be found on the left hand side of this page.

Revision guides can be a great resource to support you in your studying. However, revising is more than just reading over your notes in an exercise book or a revision guide.

Following the success of our 'How Home Can Help' evenings, providing our parents with information on how they can support their child in the run up to their examination period, please see the section on the left hand side of the page which provides documentation on how home can support our students and subject specific guidance for Maths and English.

Collecting GCSE Results

GCSE Results Day is on Thursday 22nd August 2024 and students can come into school to collect their results on the day. Further information will be sent to students regarding timings in due course.

HWHS staff and Kevin Welch from Realistic Choices, the school’s Independent Careers Adviser, will be on hand to offer any advice or support our former Year 11 students may need. 

Individual results will also be emailed out to students via their school email addresses at 8.30am on the morning of results day. Students will be able to access their email accounts by going to https://www.office.com/ and using their school email address and existing password. Please note that access to these email accounts will then be disabled on Friday 30th August.

Please also note: we can only give results out to the student themselves unless they write a signed letter of request with a named person to attend in their place. If your child will not be able to collect their results in person and would like somebody else to collect them on their behalf, please complete and return the Third Party Collection Form, which can be found attached to the letter here.

SOS - report a safeguarding concern
