Remote learning for our students is facilitated using Microsoft 365 and Teams. The links and guides on this page will allow you to ensure that your child can fully engage with our remote learning offer.
- Remote education provision: information for parents - this information is intended to provide clarity and transparency to pupils and parents or carers about what to expect from remote education where national or local restrictions require entire cohorts (or bubbles) to remain at home.
- Microsoft Teams - Microsoft Quick Start Guide - this is a quick generic guide from Microsoft on how Teams works.
- Microsoft Teams - Parent/Carer and Student Guide - this gives further details on how students at Hazel Wood can access Teams.
- Microsoft Teams - Tips & Tricks Video - YouTube video with tips and tricks for students to make the most of Teams.
- Microsoft 365 guidance for parents/carers - guidance relating to distance learning with Microsoft 365.
- National Online Safety - Remote Learning Top Tips - guidance from National Online Safety on how parents can ensure their child makes the most of their remote learning.